A Conversation w/ Historian Karl Baker - The Jehovahs Witnesses - Part 1 by Wheat Among The Tares (2025)

A Conversation w/ Historian Karl Baker - The Jehovahs Witnesses - Part 1Join us this week on Wheat Among the Tares as our church historian, Bro. Karl Baker, joins us as we focus on the history and teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Brother Baker brings the doctrinal tenets of Charles Russell, founder of this movement to light in comparison with the scriptures, and discusses the errors present in the beliefs of this world-wide denomination...Jan 15, 202530:37A Conversation w/ Tim Faulk - Reach International MinistriesOur Wheat Among the Tares guest this week is Tim Faulk of Reach International Ministries. In this episode, Brother Faulk provides us with a detailed review of the evangelization efforts recently conducted in a number of areas in the nation of Myanmar. Presently, Myanmar is under military rule and persecution against Christians had continued to increasesince 2021. However, God’s word and work continues to go forth. Trust this episode of Wheat Among the Tares will stir you to pray for our brethren...Jan 08, 202532:55A Conversation w/Missionaries Who Gave Their Lives - John G. Paton, New Hebrides IslandsOur Wheat Among the Tares program on this New Year’sDay reaches back into our archives to bring you the story of a pioneer missionary to the New Hebrides islands of the South Pacific – John G. Paton. This man was one of the first to set foot in the Hebrides for the Lord Jesus Christ among known cannibals – listen in for this timeless story of a man who, “laid down his life for the Lord”…Jan 01, 202524:13A Conversation w/ Brad Lindsey, Host of Hymns for Life - The Carols of ChristmasJoin us with our host, Brad Lindsey, as he details the histories of some of the most well-known Christmas carols...and the need of preserving these beloved hymns...Dec 28, 202434:43A Conversation w/ Missionary Lee Cadenhead - Missionary to ZimbabweThis week on Wheat Among the Tares, our guest is Lee Cadenhead, missionary/pastor of Cornerstone Bible Baptist Church in Mutare, Zimbabwe (Africa). Pastor Cadenhead joins us to provide an update regarding the ministry that began 2+ years ago, and shares the history of his call to the foreign field, along with details as to answered prayer and the future of the ministry efforts...Dec 18, 202430:58A Conversation w/ Brother Titus - The Blind Evangelist of NepalThis week on Wheat Among the Tares, we bring you the writtentestimony of Brother Titus, an evangelist and witness of Jesus Christ, who served in the areas of northern India and Nepal. The unusual aspect of this story – Brother Titus was blind, having lost his sight at the age of 12…Join for this inspiring testimony…Dec 11, 202424:41A Conversation w/ Pastor Scott Dotson, Little Ivy Baptist Church - Hurricane Relief Efforts Update in NCPastor Scott Dotson of Little Ivy Baptist Church, Mars Hill NC joins us on Wheat Among the Tares, to provide an update onthe relief efforts as result of the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene. Brother Dotson details their involvement with the ongoing mission of relief and assistance, and also relates several stories of how the Lord has (and is) using them to minister to others...Dec 04, 202429:40Thanksgiving Special w/ Brad Lindsey - Hymns For LifeThis week on Wheat Among the Tares, we feature our annual Thanksgiving Special program with our Hymns for Life host, Brad Lindsey. Join us as we focus on the meaning of trueThanksgiving, and listen to several stories of how Christians in the past have held to the true meaning of Thanksgiving in their hearts and lives, and the need for the same in our lives today…Nov 27, 202440:59A Conversation w/ Historian Karl Baker - Revivals and Revivalism- Pt 2This week on our Wheat Among the Tares broadcast, we bring you Part 2 of the series on Revivals and Revivalism with our historian, Brother Karl Baker. Our discussion moves into the period of evangelism during the 1920’s and forward as we look at the differences between true revival and emotionalism, and the factors accompanying each…Nov 20, 202430:23A Conversation w/ Historian Karl Baker - Revivals and Revivalism- Pt 1This week on our Wheat Among the Tares broadcast, we reach back into our archives to focus on the subject of revivals and revivalism with Brother Karl Baker. We are spotlighting the Welsh Revival of 1905, which proved to be the forerunner of the modern revival methodology and it’s subsequent influences. Join us for this two-part seriesbeginning this week...Nov 13, 202431:48A Conversation w/Pastor Eric Klerck - The Account of the Atheist Professor Who Came to FaithOur program on Wheat Among the Tares this week features Pastor Eric Klerck, who tells us the true story of the conversion of a well-known atheist and sociology professor from Berkeley University in southern California. Pastor Klerck details the account of how this man began attending his weekly Bible study in a nursing home in northern Idaho, and over a period of time, came to know the truth of the Gospel and the ever living God...Nov 06, 202438:59A Conversation - Our Country and the 2024 Election - The Need for Prayer and ActionJoin us this week on Wheat Among the Tares for a special episode featuring Pastor Stephen Williamson and Pastor Bevans Welder (Bible Believers Baptist, Corpus Christi TX). Our discussion focuses on the importance of Christians participating in the upcoming election, and prayer for our nation at this particular time in our nation's history. A must hear to gain a better understanding of Christian duty and the need for prayer...Oct 30, 202437:08A Conversation w/ Historian Karl Baker - The King James Bible Translators - Part 2This week on Wheat Among the Tares, we feature Part 2 of the two-part series with Brother Karl Baker who focuses on the history of the King James Bible translators, and thehistory of the translation protocols that these men used in their historic work. Join us as we explore this background and the surrounding details...Oct 16, 202433:13A Conversation w/ Pastor Scott Dotson, Little Ivy Baptist Church - Hurricane Relief Efforts in NC Join us as we speak with Pastor Scott Dotson of Little Ivy Baptist Church in Mars Hill, NC and learn about the church’s relief efforts to help those who have been devastated by Hurricane Helene in Western North Carolina. Listen as he describes how the Lord has provided for those who are in need, provisionally and spiritually...Oct 09, 202428:27A Conversation w/ Historian Karl Baker - The King James Bible Translators - Part 1This week on Wheat Among the Tares, we feature a two-part series from our church history episodes that focuses on the history of the King James Bible translators. Join us as our church historian, Brother Karl Baker, provides details as to the men who were tasked with giving the English speaking people the word of God…Oct 03, 202429:60A Conversation w/Chris Shull - Missionary to GreenlandJoin us this week on Wheat Among the Tares as we speak with Chris Shull, missionary to the Artic nation of Greenland. Brother Chris shares with us a most moving account of his wife’s (Carole) diagnosis with a rare cancer in early 2024, and how the Lord has used this event in their lives to be a testimony of his grace, his answering prayer and how he carries his children through the most difficult of times…Sep 18, 202430:55A Conversation w/ Eric Fair - Missionary to Thessaloniki GreeceOur guest this week on Wheat Among the Tares is Missionary Eric Fair, presently in Thessaloniki ,Greece, where he and his family are currently serving in the work of the gospel. Brother Fair provides his detailed account of how the Lord moved him to this field of service, and shares how prayer has been answered to bring them to this present work…An unusual story...Sep 04, 202443:33A Conversation w/ Pastor Steve Williamson - The Impact of Social Media from a Pastor's ViewThis week on Wheat Among the Tares, Pastor Steve Williamson joins us to focus on the subject of social media from a pastor's point of view – specifically, how it affects Christians today in their lives, the lives of their families and the realities of their walk with the Lord. This discussion provides details in three vital areas of living: our personal life and the potential of a secret side , the gift of time as given from God, and the effect of social media on our thinking and perceptions...Aug 28, 202430:41A Conversation w/ Pastor Steve Williamson - The Five Points of Prevailing PrayerThis week on Wheat Among the Tares, we bring a program that features the subject of prayer, and the importance of the saints continuing to pray and notto faint…Join Pastor Steve Williamson as he discusses the need of prevailing prayer, as given from a book entitled, “Prevailing Prayer” from the diary entries of George Mueller, founder of the Bristol England orphanages in the 1800’s, that are still ministering today to the orphans of Great Britain…Aug 21, 202432:06A Conversation w/ Danny Kessler, Missionary to BulgariaOur guest this week on Wheat Among the Tares is Danny Kessler, missionary to the nation of Bulgaria. Brother Kessler brings to light how the providential hand of the Lord led he and his family to minister to the religious and Gypsy populations of this country, and the amazing answers to prayer to provide his family with assimilation into the culture and hearts of the people…Join us for this unique story of the ministry of the Gospel to thisnation…Aug 07, 202432:32A Conversation w/Missionaries Who Gave Their Lives - Allen Francis Gardiner, Missionary to Tierra Del Fuego, South AmericaOur Wheat Among the Tares episode this week features the account of missionary Allen Francis Gardiner, a former British naval officer who became a missionary that went to the far reaches of the world for the Lord Jesus Christ. His life ended in the islands of Tierra Del Fuego (Island of Fire) in the extreme southern portion of South America. Join us as we describe the details surrounding this man and his mission team that perished while trying to reach the “unreached” of this pagan land...Jul 10, 202420:18A Conversation w/Missionaries Who Gave Their Lives - Solomon Ginsburg, Missionary to BrazilWe step back in history on this week’s program of Wheat Among the Tares, to learn about a missionary that served in the nation of Brazil in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. His name – Solomon Ginsburg, a converted Jew from the nation of Poland, who came to know the Lord Jesus Christ, and took this knowledge to the cites and villages of Brazil. His determination to stand against formalized religion and preach the truth of God’s word brought much persecution and harm – join us for the story of Solomon Ginsburg…Jun 19, 202421:50A Conversation w/ Pastor Adrian Hendricks, Heritage Baptist Church, Bengaluru IndiaOur conversation on Wheat Among the Tares for this episode, we talk with Pastor Adrian Hendricks, Heritage Baptist Church of Bengaluru India. Our discussion focuses on the recent election results in India, and the impact that these results might have on the Christians of India, along with Pastor Hendrick's thoughts as to the Lord's way in answering prayer...Jun 12, 202432:02A Conversation w/ Tim Faulk of Reach International Ministries - An Update of the Ministry in Myanmar - 2024This week on Wheat Among the Tares, our guest is Brother Tim Faulk, of Reach International Missions. He provides an update as to the status of national pastors in the country of Myanmar (Burma) and the current military’s operations against the churches in the country, specifically in the Christian (Baptist) churches of northern Myanmar. He also addresses the needs of orphanages started by these Baptist churches as result of the war...May 22, 202435:41A Conversation w/Missionaries Who Gave Their Lives - John Geddie, Missionary to the Hebrides IslandsWe go back in time this week on Wheat Among the Tares, to find out about one who, "Gave Their Lives for the Lord”. Our episode features the life of Missionary John Geddie, born in Scotland and who pioneered the gospel in the New Hebrides Islands (present day Vanuatu) on the island of Aneiteum in the year 1848. This island, along with others in the South Seas, were filled with cannibalistic natives and had no “light of the word of God”. Listen to how the Lord sent and guided this man and his family in their ministry to these that needed the salvation of God...May 15, 202428:02A Conversation w/ Mr. Benjamin John of Christian Concern, London England - Spiritual Conditions in the UKThis week on Wheat Among the Tares, Mr. Benjamin John of Christian Concern, a Christian advocacy ministry based in London England, joins us. Biblical principles are under great attack in the United Kingdom, and Mr. John provides us with details surrounding a number of cases that are affectingChristians in their country, including the policing of silent prayer…Apr 24, 202434:33A Conversation w/Dr. David Gibbs - Christian Law AssociationOur guest this week on Wheat Among the Tares is Dr. David Gibbs of the Christian Law Association (www.christianlaw.org), who provides several updates of concern to Christians here in America. We focus first on the FACE Act (Freedom (of) Access (to) Clinic Entrances), under which there have been several groups recently convicted of violating this act in the Nashville TN area, and are facing prison sentences. We also discuss the recent state Supreme Court abortion rulings in Florida and Arizona along with potential legislation that would affect home schools, particularly an emphasis on “home wellness” visits that could encroach into private homes.Apr 17, 202436:15A Conversation w/ Two Pro-Life Ministers - What They Are Seeing on the FrontlinesThis week on Wheat Among the Tares, our guests are Mark Baumgartner, Director of A Moment of Hope (Pro-Life Sidewalk Counseling) and Eddie Benton, Director of Daybreak Life Center Services (assisting in the prevention of abortion and services for expectant mothers). Both of these men share their wisdom and experiences as to thecurrent fight in the arena of the murder of innocent children, and their insight as to what Bible-believing churches are doing and/or not doing to mitigate this atrocity, not only in the United States, but other countriesaround the world...Apr 10, 202432:15A Conversation w/ Mitch Prosser (Palmetto Family) - The Plague of Human Trafficking This week on Wheat Among the Tares, we focus on the subject of Human Trafficking and the need for awareness of it’s impact on families. Our guest is Mitch Prosser, Interim President, of Palmetto Family Council, based in Columbia SC. Brother Prosser provides us with helpful information as to minimizing the potential of families becoming victims of this horrendous sin in our land, and how to combat it’s influence…Mar 06, 202432:01A Conversation of Anne Askew - Martyr of England (Smithfield 1546)Join us this week on Wheat Among the Tares as we discover a name from the past that conveyed an example of love and sacrifice for the Savior. Her name – Anne Askew, who lived in England in the 1500’s. Her story is revered in the pages of Baptist history as one who willingly offered herself for the testimony of the truth...Feb 14, 202425:42A Conversation w/ Pastor Steve Williamson - What Christians Are Facing in 2024Pastor Steve Williamson joins us to share his thoughts about the need for Christians to stand firmly on God’s word during these troubled times and what we may face in 2024...Our program focuses on several recent news stories that show an attempt to undermine the authority of the Bible, and the attempt to overthrow reasonableness and decency…Jan 10, 202434:37A Conversation / Brad Lindsey, Hymns For Life Host - Christmas Carol HistoriesOur guest this week on Wheat Among the Tares is Brad Lindsey, our Hymns for Life host here on Gethsemane Global Radio. Brad will be spotlighting the song histories of several of the well-known , and not so well-known, Christmas carols that are a key part of our worship during the Christmas season. Join us as we learn more about those that penned these hymns and how these hymns are still impacting our society today... Dec 27, 202335:04A Conversation w/ Tim Faulk of Reach International Ministries - An Update of the Ministry in Myanmar (Oct-Dec 2023)Join us this week for Wheat Among the Tares as we speak with Tim Faulk, Director of Reach International, Missions to Southeast Asia. Brother Faulk updates us on the current situation in the nation of Myanmar and what the attacks the churches are facing at the hands of the military. The need for prayer and assistance is criticalfor these brethren...Dec 13, 202332:06A Conversation w/ Missionaries Who Gave Their Lives - The Story of Ann Hasseltine, Wife of Adoniram Judson, Missionaries to BurmaOur episode this week on Wheat Among the Tares features a look back into the life of Ann Hasseltine, who later became the wifeof Adoniram Judson, missionary to the nation of Burma in the early 1800’s. The story of the uniqueness of this young woman, and how the Lord prepared her for the stresses and toils of the missionary life with her husband, provides us with an invaluable resource as to the workings of the Lord in each of our lives, as we seek to walk in his way…Dec 06, 202319:08A Conversation w/Karl Baker - The Jehovah's Witnesses - Is it a True Church? Part 3Our program this week on Wheat Among the Tares features our third and final episode on the subject of The Jehovah’s Witnesses -Is It A True Church? Our church historian, Brother Karl Baker, joins us for a look at several of their major doctrines and how the tenets of their teachings compare with the scriptures...this is a "must hear" as to the comparing of works salvation vs the grace of God, and the gift of salvation through grace...Nov 29, 202332:42Thanksgiving Special w/ Brad Lindsey - Host of Hymns For LifeJoin us for this special episode featuring our Hymns For Life host, Brad Lindsey, who shares the authorship history of four well known Thanksgiving hymns that focus on our need for gratefulness and thanks to the Lord God, our Creator... may this episode be a blessing to you...Nov 22, 202334:16A Conversation w/Pastor Adrian Hendricks - HBC, Bengaluru IndiaIn this episode, Pastor Hendricks conveys his heart and the efforts of the ministry to the nation of India...to the billions that need the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ...Nov 08, 202328:15A Conversation w/ Sara Vong - Missionary to CambodiaOur guest this week on Wheat Among the Tares is Sara (pronounced sir-ah) Vong, a missionary to his native country of Cambodia. Join us as Brother Vong describes how his parents escaped the terror of the Khmer Rouge communist rule in the 1970’s, and sought asylum here in the United States. Under the providential hand of the Lord, they were granted asylum. As a result, he and his family came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, and were delivered from the religion of Buddhism...Nov 01, 202333:44A Conversation w/Karl Baker - The Jehovah's Witnesses - Is it a True Church? Part 2In this episode with church historian Karl Baker, we review several of the key doctrines that are promulgated and believed with the Jehovah's Witnesses denomination - join us as we bring to light their beliefs and what the Scriptures say about these...Oct 25, 202331:55A Conversation w/Karl Baker - The Jehovah's Witnesses - Is it a True Church? Part 1Our episode this week on Wheat Among the Tares features our church historian, Bro Karl Baker. This is Part 1 of a two-part series on the subject of the Jehovah's Witnesses, their history and the beliefsassociated with their doctrines...and whether it is truly a true church...Oct 11, 202331:08A Conversation w/ Pastor Steve Williamson - Five Points of Prevailing PrayerThe subject of this episode, with Pastor Steve Williamson, focuses on prayer, and the importance of prayer for the Lord's people, as commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ. We use an excerpt from George Muller's book, "Answers to Prayer" , as to his godly wisdom in approaching and asking the Lord for answers, in accordance with his word. Join us for this discussion that we trust will lead us all into a greater prayer life for the benefit of God's people, and the glory of God...Oct 04, 202332:56A Conversation w/ Alan Wilson - Attorney General of South CarolinaOur guest this week on Wheat Among the Tares is Alan Wilson, Attorney General of the State of South Carolina. Join us as Mr. Wilson provides us with an in-depth look at current issues that he is addressing that impact our families, our state and our nation. AG Wilson has reached out to other Attorney General’s across the country to also assist them with strategic battles that affect our Christian heritage and the liberties we cherish...Sep 27, 202332:60A Conversation w/ Tim Faulk of Reach International Ministries - An Update of the Ministry in Myanmar (Aug-Sept 2023)Our guest on this week’s Wheat Among the Tares is Brother Tim Faulk of Reach International, a mission entity that focuses on the nation of Burma (Myanmar). We will be discussing a breaking story that deals with the United States monetarily sanctioning the nation of Myanmar, and the crippling effect this action can potentially have on the average citizen…Our Christian brethren in this country, already enduring persecution, will feel the effects even more…Aug 30, 202334:20A Conversation w/ Pastor Mike Wonser - Missionary to Oahu, HawaiiOur guest this week on Wheat Among the Tares is Pastor Mike Wonser, who, along with his family, are presently serving the Lord on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. Join us as Pastor Wonser discusses several recent events associated with this ministry, and he also provides an update as to the recent fires on the island of Maui, and how this tragedy has impacted the islands of Hawaii, both spiritually and physically...Aug 23, 202329:27A Conversation w/ Missionaries Who Gave Their Lives - The Story of John G. Paton (New Hebrides Islands)This episode features the life of Missionary John G. Paton, who yielded his life to go to the cannibals of the New Hebrides islands in the south Pacific in the 1800's. The difficulties and toils under extreme danger and harsh conditions are described in this account of the labors of this faithful servant of the Lord... Aug 16, 202324:39A Conversation w/Karl Baker - The Mormon Church - Is it a True Church? Part 2This week's episode of Wheat Among the Tares features Part 2 of our discussion of the Mormon Church, Is it a True Church, with Brother KarlBaker. On this episode, we review, in addition to their historical claims, the basic doctrine of salvation according to Mormon doctrine, as compared with the authority of the Holy Bible (KJV)...Aug 09, 202335:03A Conversation w/Karl Baker - The Mormon Church - Is it a True Church? Part 1Our church historian, Brother Karl Baker, joins us for the first of a two-part series focusing on the Mormon Church, their founder, Joseph Smith, and the beliefs of this world wide religion. The purpose of these programs is toexpose the teachings of the Mormon church, as compared with the authority of the Holy Bible, and the errors associated with their teachings...Aug 02, 202337:09
A Conversation w/ Historian Karl Baker - The Jehovahs Witnesses - Part 1 by Wheat Among The Tares (2025)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.